Saturday, April 23, 2016

Live in Antarctica!

discovery channel documentary 2015.
Child: Daddy, we are particularly perplexed.

Daddy (shockingly): What is the matter, child?

Child (unmistakably tragic): Daddy, what is startling me and our companion is that ordinary we sit in front of the TV stations and read daily papers and every one of them report that our earth is getting hotter step by step.

Daddy: what is startling in that, child?

Child: One day this warmth will get to be sufficiently adequate to dry our life, the life of our dairy cattle and natural life. That will be insufficient for this warmth creature, it won't save even our nourishment, vegetables and organic product plants and all our vegetation we have on the earth.

Daddy (still cool minded):Really, child?

Child (with certainty): Yes father. I am appallingly disturbed in light of the fact that you, mother, my sister, my companions my neighbors, my educators and everyone will be executed by the expanding heat as it will dry every one of them.

Daddy (still not irritate): How child?

Child (with his exasperates face and with some displeasure): You don't get it! Father, there will be no nourishment for us. So what should we eat ?and there will be no oxygen additionally to inhale in light of the fact that oxygen giving plants will likewise go away. So How should we survive? We are certainly going to bite the dust. Everyone is going to pass on; no one will survive ( he stops a little and considers and says to his dad). Father, I have an extraordinary thought that could spare our life from the gigantic warmth our earth will have one day.

Daddy (getting to be interested): What is that? Let me know promptly, child.

Child (his face hints at some help): Father, let us purchase a real estate parcel on the moon.

Daddy (shockingly): Oh, truly extremely extraordinary thought! Be that as it may, child, I am anxious in what capacity would we be able to get by on the moon?

Child (unhesitatingly): By the time the earth turns out to be too warm, our science will make the surface of moon fit for human settlement and we will be sheltered on the moon, we won't bite the dust!

Daddy (Thinks and after that says ): Son, fine. I will purchase you a real estate parcel on the moon. In any case, child, you know I will stay here on the earth just, the most delightful of all the magnificent bodies known not. What's more, I am not going to leave this green planet; I am not going to miss the beautiful excellence and the considerable assortments of plants, creatures ,winged creatures and different types of life here on the grounds that I will be more secure here.

Child (vey greatly astonished): Why father? In what capacity will you be more secure here when the earth will move toward a more sweltering planet, daddy? I truly don't comprehend your psyche.

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