Saturday, April 23, 2016

An Ancient Underwater City Has Been Found In Egypt

documentary 2016, The researchers have found the verifications that on the spot of the city Alexandria established by Alexander Macedonian, even 700 years before that existed an expansive city. Prior to this minute it was viewed as that on the spot of Alexandria was found a little anglers town Rakotis. Be that as it may, the archeological burrow, hung on the base of the Alexandria port, have demonstrated that the span of the city was path greater than the researchers have expected.

Right now the researchers are attempting to discover the extent of the found city. The dating by the radioactive carbon has found out the rough age of the old city: 1000 years BC.

"A wonder such as this regularly happens in science. The most intriguing thing is that we weren't looking for an antiquated city",- said Jean-Daniel Stanley from the Washington historical center of regular history. Making the archeological burrows, the researchers were attempting to discover the response to the inquiry why have the Greek and Roman structures sunk and at last they have found the items which allude to the prior period.

J-D Stanley trusts that the exploration of Rakotis will be as much energizing as the revelation of the remnants of such antiquated urban communities like Heraclion, Kanopus and Menotice close Alexandria in 1996.

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